This limited edition trike features unique design elements such as a matte black frame, rims and pedals as well as gold stitching and eco-leather touch points. This trike also comes with a cup holder, has a new storage basket that attaches magnetically and a new locking system for the push handle, making it easier to attach/detach.Included in this limited edition trike are many of the features we’ve come to love on the original Bentley Trike. The Bentley 6-in-1 Stroller/Tricycle is the perfect combination of elegance and function. Like the original trike, the 100 Year Anniversary Bentley Trike now proudly wears the world-famous badge and embodies the commitment to quality and craftsmanship that the Bentley Motor Company has carefully upheld over the years.The product could be used during different stages of baby growthStage 1 (6 months and up): The back support can be adjusted in two angles. Parents have total control with the adjustable and removable parent push handle. The seat can be turned 180 degrees. This function and the additional footrests are perfect for using tricycle for infants.Stage II (18 months and up): The additional footrests are removed. Extra-large canopy has two positions and is made of a 50 UPF waterproof fabric to keep wind, rain and harmful sun rays away from the baby. Parents can fold and unfold the basic footrests if needed, and can remove the canopy when necessary.Stage III (24 months and up): The parent handle, the footrests and the safety guard are removed to allow children to pedal by themselves.Stage IV (36 months and up): The back support, the safety belts and the basket are removed completely for an older kid's fun.